Saturday Feb 08, 2025

Sri Kayarohanaswami Temple, Nagapattinam


Sri Kayarohanaswami Temple, Neela Sannathi, Melakottaivasal, Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu 611001 Phone: 088077 87463,PH:9894501319


Kayarohanaswami Amman: Nilayathakshi.


Nagapattinam Kayarohanaswami Temple, is dedicated to Lord Siva situated in the town of Nagapattinam in Tamil Nadu, India. The presiding deity is known as Kayarohana and his consort is Nilayathakshi. The temple has been in existence from the 6th century AD and has been praised by the Nayanmars Appar, Sambandar and Sundarar. The temple has been constructed by the Lakolisa cult which originated in Gujarat and their only other temple in Tamil Nadu is at Kanchipuram. The idol of Thyagaraja in the temple is made of lapis lazuli. Thala Virutcham : Mango Theertham : Pundarikaksha Theertham Agamam / Pooja : Kameekam

Puranic Significance

The temple has been in existence from the 6th century AD and praised by the Nayanmars Appar, Sambandar and Sundarar. The temple has been constructed by the Lakolisa cult which originated in Gujarat. The idol of Thyagaraja in the temple is made of lapis lazuli. Karona is a corruption of Kayarohana and the temple is the twin of Kayarohana temple in Gujarat. Karonam might also have been derived from other origin such as “Kar Onam” and Lord Vishnu has been referred as “Onathan”. The temple has been rebuilt by the Pallavas and Cholas. This temple is one of the sapthavitanga Sthalams. It is also known as the temple of Neelayadakshi. The name, Kayaroganeswarar: Sage Pundarika was advised by Sage Kanwa to do penance to Lord Shiva for seeking salvation. Shiva gave a darshan and embraced the sage and granted salvation. Usually the soul merges with the divine but as the Lord embraced (Aarohanam) Sage Pundarika along with his body (Tamil: Kayam), Shiva is called Kaya (body) Aarohana (embrace) Easwarar – Lord Kayaroganeswarar Nagai Karonam: Another legend says that the King of Serpents prayed to Shiva and was blessed with a girl child. She was born with three breasts and the serpent king was greatly upset. Shiva assured the king that one breast would disappear when a king from the Surya dynasty visited him. King Shalisuhan came to this place, the third breast vanished. The Naga king in delight gave his daughter to Shalisuhan in marriage. As the Naga king worshipped here, the place came to be known as Nagai Karonam that became Nagapattinam Saptha Vidanga Sthalam: Emperor Muchukunda got seven Lingas from Indira for the helps he had rendered him. These Lingas were small – Vidanga in size. The Emperor installed the Linga in Seven Places called Saptha Vidanga sthalas. This is one such Sthalas with a Linga so beautiful made of Ruby. Hence, the Lord is named Sundara (beautiful) Vidangar. Irattai Parvai Nandhi: As Ambica is a virgin, Lord sent Nandhi Deva to be her guard. But Nandhi expressed his wish to be with Lord for ever seeing him. Lord said that he can have his darshan though with Ambica. Nandhi in the temple is seen with its neck turned towards Lord with one eye on Ambica and other on the Lord. Hence, the Nandhi is known as Twin View Nandhi (Irattai Parvai in Tamil). Those having vision problems pray to this Nandhi. Rare Custom of placing Garlands and Clothes used for Lord to corpse: Generally, temples are closed if a death occurs in a nearby place. In this place, the garlands and the clothes – vastras used for the Lord is placed on corpse. A fisherman, Adhipathar attained salvation with the grace of Lord Shiva in this place. Remembering this event, as a mark of respect to the communitythis practice is followed in this temple. The body is placed before the temple without closing the doors. The garland and the vastras used for the Lord are placed on the body. Lord procession to seven places instead of going around Mada Veedhis: During festival procession, Lord goes round the Mada Veedhis (Streets) and return to the temple. But Lord beginning his procession from this temple, goes to seven places – Poigainallur, Poravacherry, Sikkal, Palur, Vadagudi, Thethi and Nagoor. Maharaja Salija worshipped Lord Shiva and performed puja in these seven places. The present system is to remember this history. Vishnu accompanies Shiva during Pradosham: Against the practice of Lord coming in the Vrushab vahanam on Pradosham days, Lord Vishnu too accompanies Lord Shiva in the guise of Mohini. When the milk ocean was churned, Nectar came out and was served by Lord Vishnu to Devas. Devas failed to pray to Lord Shiva who swallowed the Halahala poison to save the world. Realizing their folly, they begged the pardon of the Lord. Showing his mercy to them, Lord Shiva danced on Nandhi. This dance took place at the Pradosham time. Lord Vishnu’s Mohini Avatar took place a little before this time. This Vishnu darshan is available to the devotees on Pradosham day only. Athipathar attained salvation here: Fisherman Athipathar was a staunch Shiva devotee. When he went for fishing, he would offer the first to Lord Shiva. At a stage, he was getting only one fish each day but did not break away from his commitment. He offered them to Lord and returned without any catch. He got a golden fish one day. Though everyone prevented him from throwing it into the sea, Athipathar resolutely stood by his commitment and threw it into the sea. He was awarded with salvation and a place among the 63 Nayanmars. The event is celebrated on the Ayilyam star day in Aavani month (August-September). Athipathar goes in catamaran when fishermen place two gold fishes in the net as if caught in the net. Lord Shiva will appear on the sea shore. Athipathar performs pujas to Lord Shiva with the golden fishes. Shiva will grace darshan to Athipathar. So goes the festival grandly. Sages worshipped Lord here: Sages Markandeya, Gauthama, Vasishta, Kashyapa, Pulasthya, Agasthya and Angirasa (Saptha Rishis) had worshipped Lord Shiva in this temple. Neelayadakshi: The goddess here is Neelayadakshi. Neelayadakshi means the one with the blue eyes. She is in the form of a pubescent girl, and is believed to be one of the Shakti Peetams. She is also considered to be one among the five most important goddesses, all in different stages of life. These are – Visalakshi (Kashi – Child), Kamakshi (Kanchi – young girl), Neelayadakshi (Nagai – pubescent), Kamalambigai (Thiruvarur – young woman) and Meenakshi (Madurai – married woman).


People pray for relief from the sins committed and for salvation. Devotees perform abishek to Lord and Mother and offer vastras.

Special Features

Processional Dance: The Thyagarajar Temple at Tiruvarur is famous for the ajapa thanam (dance without chanting), that is executed by the deity itself. According to legend, a Chola king named Mucukunta obtained a boon from Indra(a celestial deity) and wished to receive an image of Thyagaraja Swamy(presiding deity, Shiva in the temple) reposing on the chest of reclining Lord Vishnu. Indra tried to misguide the king and had six other images made, but the king chose the right image at Tiruvarur. The other six images were installed in Thirukkuvalai, Nagapattinam, Tirukarayil, Thirunallar, Thiruvaimur and Tirumaraikadu.All the seven places are villages situated in the river Cauvery delta. All seven Thyagaraja images are said to dance when taken in procession(it is the bearers of the processional deity who actually dance). The temples with dance styles are regarded as Saptha Vidangam(seven dance moves).


Vaikasi Wedding festival in May-June; Aadi Pooram in July-August; Shivrathri in February-March; Aipasi Annabishekam in October-November and Tirukarthikai in November-December are the festivals celebrated in the temple. The event of Sage Pundarika entering the shrine of Lord Shiva and merging with him is celebrated during the Arthajama Puja (last puja of the day) in Aani (June-July) on the day when the star Ayilyam rules the skies. The Abhishekam (ablution) is performed to the lingam daily at 9 AM and 8 P.M. When anyone from the sage’s family passes away, the body is brought to the temple gate. The deity’s clothes and garlands are brought out to adorn the body as a special blessing


1000 to 2000 years old

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Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (HRCE)

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