Padavedu Veera Anjaneyar Temple, Thiruvannamalai

Padavedu Veera Anjaneyar Temple, Thiruvannamalai
Padavedu village, Thiruvannamalai district,
Tamil Nadu- 606905.
Veera Anjaneyar
- Located in Padavedu village, Thiruvannamalai district, Tamil Nadu.
- The temple is on the route to the Ramar temple from the Renugambal temple, near the Draupadi Mandapam.
- Features an 8-foot-tall deity of Veera Anjaneyar.
- Initially located in the open along the main road. Could only be moved after performing a Butter Alankaram with 40 kg of butter.
- Now housed in a sanctum sanctorum with a protective compound wall.
Puranic Significance
- Veera Anjaneyar is worshipped as an equivalent to Navagraha worship, as no Navagraha shrines exist in Padavedu temples.
- According to legend, Goddess Renugambal blessed Anjaneyar to appear in 100 different forms to guard her temples.
- The deity’s posture:
- Right hand in Abhaya Hastam (blessing posture).
- Left hand holding his tail, which curves around his head, symbolizing protection from troubles.
- Positioned as if ready to fly from Lanka to Ayodhya.
- The tail is believed to contain the Navagrahas, emphasizing its importance.
Special Features
- Worshipping Veera Anjaneyar is considered essential before visiting other temples in Padavedu.
- Offering Anna Dhanam here is seen as a remedy for Navagraha Dosha.
- Known for fulfilling devotees’ wishes, with testimonies of miracles like a devotee’s son successfully traveling to the U.S.
- Adorned with a golden Ramar dollar gifted by a devotee in gratitude.
- TVS Group contributed significantly to the temple’s renovation.
Significance of Padavedu
- Veera Anjaneyar, along with Goddess Kali, is believed to protect Padavedu from all eight directions.
- Multiple Veera Anjaneyar shrines are scattered around Padavedu, including one behind the Renugambal temple.

300 Years old
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