Dadhibaman Jew Temple, Odisha

Dadhibaman Jew Temple Near jagannath Temple, Gopinathpur, Odisha 761035
Jagannatha, Balabhadra and Subhadra
Ruins of Dadhi Baman Temple, Built by Gopinath Mohapatra – Minister of Sri-Kapilendra Deva (Suryavanshi King) – 1435-1467 Gopinathpur Sasana, Salepur, Kataka Sri Gopinath Mahapatra had built this Dadhi Baman temple the Chateswar Temple in Kishinapur. And there is a epigraphica on stone which is called as Gopinathapura Stone Inscription. The Stone inscription mentions that “By the Order of the Lord of Nilagiri (blue hill) who is the lord of the tree worlds (Jagannatha) Sri Kapilendra Deva – remains one of the most mightiest and significant King of Odisha. The Vimana, Jagamohan and the natya mandira have been completely destroyed perhaps by the initial invasions and subsequently it has crumbled down. We did notice some amount of restoration work which has begun, however not happening at the moment. The foundation has some of the exquisite and remarkable stone works. The deities are wooden images of Jagannatha, Balabhadra and Subhadra. So much of history is buried in Kataka (Cuttack ) itself.
1000-2000 years old
Managed By
Archeological survey of India.
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