Friday Sep 20, 2024

What is the best time to celebrate Ayudha Pooja 2024 ? How to celebrate it at Home?

Ayudha Pooja in 2024 falls on Tuesday, October 8. This pooja is performed on the 9th day of Navratri, also known as Maha Navami. It is a day dedicated to the worship of tools, vehicles, instruments, and other equipment used in daily life, signifying respect for the objects that help us in our work.

Best Time to Celebrate Ayudha Pooja 2024:

  • Navami Tithi starts: 10:58 AM on October 8, 2024
  • Navami Tithi ends: 8:14 AM on October 9, 2024

The best time to perform the pooja is during the Navami Tithi, especially in the afternoon or evening hours when most people worship their tools.

How to Celebrate Ayudha Pooja at Home:

  1. Clean and Arrange Tools:
    Clean all the tools, vehicles, books, instruments, or machines that you use for work. Arrange them neatly in a designated space at home.
  2. Set up the Pooja Space:
    • Decorate the area with flowers, especially marigolds and mango leaves.
    • Set up an idol or image of Goddess Saraswati or Lord Ganesha, as they are invoked for blessings on this day.
    • Place the tools and equipment in front of the deities.
  3. Prepare for the Pooja:
    • Light a lamp (diya) and incense sticks.
    • Offer flowers, turmeric, kumkum, and sandalwood paste to the deities and the tools.
    • Place some rice and fruits as part of the offering.
  4. Recite Mantras and Slokas:
    Chant mantras dedicated to Goddess Saraswati, Lord Ganesha, or Durga. You can also recite the following sloka:
    “Saraswati Namastubhyam Varade Kaama Roopini,
    Vidyaarambham Karishyaami Siddhir Bhavatu Me Sadaa.”
  5. Offer Prasadam:
    After the pooja, distribute sweets, fruits, and other offerings as prasadam to family members.
  6. Break the Coconut:
    As a final offering, break a coconut in front of the tools or vehicles, signifying prosperity and removal of obstacles.
  7. Invoke Blessings:
    Finally, ask for blessings for a prosperous year ahead, offering thanks to the tools and equipment that aid in your daily work.
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