Monday Mar 10, 2025

Sri Madangeeswarar Temple, Tirunangur


Sri Madangeeswarar Temple, Tirunangur, Nagapattinam Dist. Phone: +91- 4364 – 256 044, 94436 – 78793.


Madangeeswarar Amman: Maadangeeswari


Lord Mathangeeswarar is in the main shrine. He faces east. Mother, also called Raja Mathangeeswari, is in a separate shrine. She is having four hands; while the two upper arms hold Lotus and disc, the bottom hands show the Abhaya and Varada Mudras. She is considered as the Guru of Goddess Saraswathi ( as per some traditions, Shri Hayagreevar is considered Saraswathi’s Guru). Hence Aksharabhayasam ( beginning of education) is performed for the children in Her shrine. This is generally done on Ashtami (eighth day) or Pournami (full moon) day when alphabet is written on the tongue of the child in honey. This treatment is also done for those children having speech impairments. Those facing delays in getting married, tie a full unhusked coconut ( Matta Thengai in Tamil) in Her shrine and offer Moong Payasam as Neyvedhyam. There are two Nandhis-the bull vehicle of Lord Shiva-in thetemple facing opposite directions to each other. The Weddingof Lord with Mother Madhangee took place at Tiruvengadu. Lord Shiva did not take any dowry from Sage Madhanga for themarriage. Devas and other invitees from the celestial worldtook it as a weakness of Lord and spoke critically. Lord Shivatold them that it was a wrong practice and told them that Hisown assets belong to Mother Madhangee too and sent Nandhito bring them from Shivaloka to be given to His bride. Remembering this event, there are two Nandhis in the temple,the Madhanga Nandhi facing the Lord and the Swedha Nandhifacing the opposite side. This is described as Nandhi bringingthe gifts (Seer in Tamil). During the Pradosha time (4.30 6.00 p.m.) abisheks are performed to Nandhis and thisdarshan is considered very important. While Sage Madanga was in penance, to test his determination,Lord Vishnu came there as Mohini-an enticing woman. Knowing this magic with his wisdom eye, Madhanga opened hiseyes to curse Mohini but before he opened the eyes, LordVishnu gave him darshan with His conch and discus. Lord Vishnu graces in the temple from a separate shrine inMohini form with conch and discus with Ananda-bliss mudra inHis hand. After destroying the yajna of Daksha, Lord Shiva did His RudraThandava (furious dance) when His hair touched 11 places onearth. Lord Vishnu also took 11 forms to soften the fury of LordShiva. Remembering this event, 11 Shiva temples were builthere of which only 9 are remaining now. There are also 11Vishnu temples in this place praised as Divyadesas. This is avery holy place housing 9 Shiva temples and 11 Vishnu templesin its limits. Like the 11 Garuda Seva in the Thirunangur Divya Desams, 12 Rishabha Sevai is being performed in this temple. This function is generally performed in the Tamil month of Vaikasi (May-June). Though it was being held for long, in the last century, for over 100 years, it was suspended. It was resumed in 2016 and is now being held every year. At that time, apart from Mathangeeswarar, the Lords of nearby 11 Shiva temples, visit this place, in their Rishabha Vahanams.

Puranic Significance

Once Lord Shiva destroyed the whole earth through JalaPralaya-floods. Not aware of this, Lord Brahmma’s son SageMadanga came down to perform penance on Lord Shiva butcould not land on earth. He sought the advice of MahrshiNarada to show him a dry place. Naradha asked him to goSwedha Vana. The Sage performed penance here and wasrewarded with the darshan of Lord Shiva. Sage Madhanga asked the Lord that He should become arelation to him as He was the Father of all Jivas. Lord told thesage that He would come at an appropriate time and would behis son-in-law. The sage continued his penance. On a ChitraPoornima day (full moon day in April-May), the sage wasbathing in the Manikarunai River when he found a female childfloating on a lotus leaf. He took the child and brought her up. When she grew up and attained the marriageable age, the sageprayed to Lord Shiva. Lord came and accepted Madhangee(daughter of Sage Madhanga) in marriage and granted darshanas Shiva-Parvathi. At the request of the sage Lord stayed hereas Madhangeeswarar. As per Sthala puranam, which is similar to the ones in Kumbakonam temples, the entire earth was covered in water during halocaust. Sage Mathangar ( who is believed to be the Maanasika Puthra-created from Mind- of Brahma) without being aware of this, came down to earth and was searching for a suitable place to perform penance. When he saw only the water covered earth, he asked for the help of Sage Narada. The sage suggested him to go to Swetha Vanam and the Lord would show the way.This area was then called Swetha Vanam ( near Thiruvenkadu) and the Rishi could find a place and started an intense penance. In order to test his will power, Shri Vishnu took the Mohini form (enchantress) and tried to disturb the Rishi. He came along with the Love God, Manmathan. The Rishi cursed Manmathan to be burnt to ashes by Shiva. He then wanted to curse the woman who had the audacity to disturb his penance. Before he could open his eyes, Shri Vishnu, gave darshan along with the conch and the disc in Mohini format. Mathangar realised that it was Shri Vishnu Himself who played this Leela and sought His forgiveness. Shri Vishnu not only blessed him, but also agreed with his request to be present in this temple in Mohini Roopam. There is a separate shrine for the Vaikuntavasi and He is being addressed as Narayani here. Mathangar continued with his penance and Shiva appeared before him and wanted to grant the boons desired by the Rishi. Mathangar did not want anything except to become a relative of the Lord! The smiling Lord told him that his wishes would be fulfilled at the appropriate time. Later, Mathangar continued with his prayers. When he was taking bath in the nearby Manikarunai river on the Chithra Pournami day ( full moon day of Tamil month Chithirai, Apl-May), he saw a female infant came floating on a lotus leaf. He picked the child and reared her. As She was brought up by him, She came to be called Mathangi or Raja Mathangi. When She came of age, Mathangar reminded the Lord about His promise. Lord agreed to marry his daughter and She came to be called Mathangeeswari. The marriage took place at Thiruvenkadu. Though the custom of dowry was prevalent then, Shiva did not took any dowry. The assembled Devas considered this as a weakness of the Lord. Shiva reminded them that being Umai Oru Paagan (Ardhanareeshwarar), all His assets belong to the Mother as well. He ordered Nandi to bring the Seer ( assets/dowry) from Kailash. Hence we find two Nandis in front of the Lord in this temple-one facing the Lord and the other, the opposite direction. They are respectively called Mathanga Nandi and Swetha Nandi and the latter one is believed to have brought the riches from Kailash.


Majority of the devotees pray seeking wedding boon. Devotees perform abishek to Lord and Mother. Mother Madhangeeswari graces from Her separate shrine. Sheis regarded as Guru to Mother Saraswathi, the Goddess of Wisdom. Devotees worship Her seeking high education boon. Before beginning schooling to children parents bring them hereon full moon or Ashtami day – eighth day from the new moonday- write on their tongue the first letter in honey and start Aksharapiyasam- starting their education. Those facing delays in marriage tie the un-stripped coconut and offer pulse porridge-Pasi Paruppu Payasam as nivedhana.

Special Features

This is a sacred place with 9 Sri Shiva temples and 11 SriVishnu temples. Lord Vishnu graces here in Mohini form (thefemale form of Lord Vishnu) in the temple with conch anddiscus and with ‘Ananda Mudra’ (symbol of bliss) a raredarshan for the devotees. Pradosha pooja is very famous in this temple as this is perhaps one of the few kshetras with two Nandis in a single shrine, receiving this pooja.


Wedding festival is celebrated in the temple in the month of Vaikasi (May-June). Pradosha pooja is very famous in this temple


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