Mela Mada Veedhi Narasimha Perumal Temple, Thirunelveli

Mela Mada Veedhi Narasimha Perumal Temple, Thirunelveli
Mela Mada Veedhi,
Thirunelveli district,
Tamil Nadu – 627 001
Mobile: +91 98940 20443 / 95859 58594
Narasimha Perumal
- Situated in Mela Mada Veethi, behind the Nellaiyappar Temple in Thirunelveli Town, Tamil Nadu.
- Easily accessible by bus from the old bus stand, with the nearest railway station at Thirunelveli and airports in Thiruvananthapuram and Madurai.
- The main deity is Lord Lakshmi Narasimha, with Mother Mahalakshmi seated on his left lap, holding a lotus and gazing at the Lord.
- The Utsavar deity is Srinivasa Perumal.
- Unique form of Narasimha known as Prahaladha Varada, without a lion’s face.
Historical Significance:
- The temple was built in the 8th century by the Pandya kings.
- It is believed that the Narasimha idol was sculpted even before the construction of Lord Nellaiyappar’s temple.
- The original Moola Linga and Narasimha Perumal idols were at the same level, and there was an underground pathway connecting both temples.
- The temple was rediscovered by the Vaishnavite scholar Koorathazhwar and restored by saints like Perarulalar and Thirumangai Azhwar.
Puranic Significance:
- Lord Narasimha’s incarnation is known for protecting his devotee Prahladha from the tyrannical king Hiranyakashipu.
- Narasimha manifested from a pillar, breaking the boon granted to Hiranyakashipu, and killed him in a form that was neither human nor animal, as per the king’s boon.
- Worship here is believed to relieve devotees from financial troubles, property disputes, and other personal challenges.
- Devotees offer lime juice with sugar as Nivedhana and light a lamp known as Neeranjana Deepam, which is believed to alleviate problems related to the Mars planet and expedite delayed marriages.
- Major festivals celebrated include:
- Vaikunda Ekadasi (December-January)
- Narasimha Jayanthi
- Purattasi Saturdays (September-October)
- Swati Star Days
- Special pujas are performed on Pradosham days (13th day of the new moon or full moon fortnights).
Unique Features:
- Lord Narasimha is depicted with Mother Mahalakshmi in his left lap, unlike the common lion-faced portrayal.
- The temple has a rich history with inscriptions, and it is believed that Lord Narasimha Perumal here responds to the sincere prayers of devotees.
1500 Years old
Managed By
Hindu Religious & Charitable Endowments Department (HR&CE)
Nearest Bus Station
Nearest Railway Station
Nearest Airport
Thiruvananthapuram and Madurai.