Maha kumbabishekam at Visalur

Visalur is a small hamlet ,about 12 km from Kumbakonam on the way to Mannargudi. A narrow road branches from the main road leads us to Sri Meenakshi Ambika sametha Sri Sundareswarar temple which is located on the agraharam.
This agraharam could be one among the few agraharams in Tamil Nadu where Brahmins continue to live although their wards work elsewhere. But one must appreciate that the migrants never forget to have connection with the village, the primary factor that is missing in most of the villages.
The temple appears to have been rebuilt some 300 years ago although the main murthis may be of 600 years old. One can find nava (9) lingams in a row behind the sanctum Santorum. The ideal locations of Subramanya and Gajalakshmi are inter changed. The name of the village, Visalur might have been derived from the Sanskrit word, Viswa puram.
A newly built Gopuram adorns the entrance. All sannadhis are built with granite stones. The renovation work followed by painting has been done with utmost care under the supervision of dedicated people of this place. Mobilising funds was never a problem. When Athi rudra homam was planned prior to kumbabishekam, contributions started pouring from all directions.
All their dreams were answered in no time.
Their unshakable faith in Lord Sundareswara made them cross all challenges on the way.
It was a pleasure to witness the Maha kumbabishka ceremony that spread to six kalams. It was an uththama paksha yagam which consisted of 33 kundams each for Swami and Devi, 5 kundams each for Nataraja and Subramanya. Totally there were about 85 kundams . About 100 Sivacharyars were engaged who strictly adhered to Sivagamas. It was indeed a pleasure to hear the Murthi dhyanams from the agama .
Many Veda vidwans from different parts of the country were reciting chakas to which they belonged.
Both men and women of the agraharam were in their traditional attires to be present in the pandal. Those who worked hard for their exemplary work were honoured. It will certainly inspire others to serve The Lord with dedication.
No stone was left unturned . The donors have done a commendable job by extending food for all participants and visitors.
Every individual of this village has done a remarkable job which will cherish in the memories of all devotees. May God grant them prosperity, unity and long life .