Tuesday Jul 02, 2024

Arimeya Vinnagaram Sri Kuda Maadu Koothan Perumal Temple, Nagapattinam


Arimeya Vinnagaram Sri Kuda Maadu Koothan Perumal Temple, Ariyameya Vinnagaram, Nangur Post, Nagapattinam District – 609 116.


Kudamudakoothan Perumal, Amman: Amirthavalli


Thiruarimeya Vinnagaram or Kudamudakoothan Perumal Temple is dedicated to Hindu god Vishnu located in Thirunangur, a village in the outskirts of Sirkazhi in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Constructed in the Dravidian style of architecture, the temple is glorified in the Divya Prabandha, the early medieval Tamil canon of the Azhwar saints from the 6th–9th centuries AD. It is one of the 108 Divyadesam dedicated to Vishnu, who is worshipped as Kudamudakoothan and his consort Lakshmi as Amirtagadavalli.

Puranic Significance

Sage Udhangar was the disciple of Sage Vaidhar and learnt the Vedas from him. After the Gurukula, he wanted to offer Guru dakshina. Wife of Guru demanded Udhangar to get the ear rings of the queen of the land. Udhangar went to the queen and begged for her ear rings. As she knew the greatness of Guru Vaidhar, she gladly gave her ear rings to the disciple. Udhangar was returning to Gurukula. He was too hungry and thirsty. He saw a shepherd with his cows and a pot on his head. Udhangar asked the shepherd to give the contents of the pot to quench his thirst and anger. The shepherd said that there was nothing but cow dung and its urine which even his Guru once consumed. As Guru himself had eaten it, Udhangar leaving his Kamandalam – a hand bowl which sages carry – with the ear rings and began drinking the content of the pot. One Dakshan coming in the way snatched the Kamandalam and ran away. Udhangar chased him but the robber hid in a hole there. Udhangar sought the help of the shepherd to recover the ear rings from Dakshan. He showed a horse-man coming on the way and advised to seek his help. The horseman came near the hole and made his horse spit fire. Unableto bear the heat, the robber came out and returned the ear rings to the sage. Udhangar thanked the shepherd and the horseman and reached Gurukulam. He narrated his experience to Guru Vaidhar. Guru understood with his wisdom eye – Gnana Dhrusti. He told the disciple that it was test to his Guru bhakti. The shepherd was Vishnu and the horseman was Indira on Agni the fire. Guru also said that the contents of the pot was but nectar which helped him to bear the heat.. Udhangar begged the Lord to grant him His darshan. Lord Vishnu with His pot granted the darshan as Kudamadu Koothan


Devotees pray for prosperous life, for relief from enemies and debt burdens.

Special Features

Lord blesses his devotees in a sitting form. The vimana above the sanctum sanctorum is called Ucharoorunga Vimanam. There are shrines for Azhwars, Lord Sri Rama-Sita in the prakara-corridor.


Vaikasi Visakam in May-June and Thai month Garuda Seva in January-February are the festivals celebrated in the temple.


1000 to 2000 years old

Managed By

Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (HRCE)

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