Tirupparankundram Sri Parangirinathar Temple, Madurai

Tirupparankundram Sri Parangirinathar Temple, Tirupparankundram, Madurai District – 625005, PH:0452-2482248
Sri Parangirinathar, Sathyagiriswarar, Amman: Sri Avudai Nayaki
This is the 217th Thevara Paadal Petra Shiva Sthalam and 3rd Sthalam of Pandya Nadu. This is also one of 6 abodes of Murugan where, he killed Asuras. In PeriyaPuranam Sekkizhar mentions that after worshiping Sri Meenakshi Sundareswarar of Thiru Alavai / Madurai Thirugnanasambandar came to Thiruparankundram along with the Pandya King and his wife. Thirugnanasambandar and Sundarar has sung hymns in praise of Lord Shiva of this temple.
Puranic Significance
The temple was built during 6th to 7th century by Pandyas as rock cut Cave temple ie Kudavarai Koil. Later during Nayaks ( 1559 to 1736 AD) built the front mandapas and Rajagopuram. The front mandapam with 48 sculptured pillars were installed during Nayaks Period. There are 11 inscriptions found in this temple. One of the inscription records that when the Madurai City was under the rule of Muslims, Divan was Rajagopala Rayar and Vayiravi Muthu Karuppan Kumaran Chetty who fought with Europeans against destroying of temples and died after fallen down from Rajagopuram. For which a land was gifted to his family. Sundara Pandyan Period inscription records the Ampandiyapuram alias Pulikundram Village east side of Veeranaraya Kulam was gifted to this temple. As per the Inscriptions Lord shiva was called as Sundra Pandeeswaramudayar.The 1843CE Inscription records that nivantham ( land / money / ? is not known ) gifted by one mangammal of Veerasimha naidu lineage. Maha kumbhabhishekam was conducted in June 2000. Nakkeran, Parasaran’s son, Sibi King and Brahma worshiped Lord Shiva of this temple. Ma Parvati took the form of Mahisasuramardini to kill the Asura Mahisasuran. She took 9 forms, fought for 9 days and finally killed him. Due to this she had the brahmahathi dosha. To get rid of the dosha Lord Shiva advised her to worship him at Thiruparankundram. Ma Parvati worshiped Lord Shiva and got relieved from brahmahathi dosha.
Apart from Regular poojas, special poojas are conducted on Pradosham, Maha Shivaratri, Skanda Sashti festival in Aipasi ( Oct – Nov ), Chithirai festival in Tamil month Chithirai, Karthikai deepan in the month Karthikai, Vaikasi Visakam and Theppotsavam in Thai ( Jan-Feb ).
1000 to 2000 years old
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Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (HRCE)
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