Nellikuppam Sri Malleeswarar Shiva Temple, Kanchipuram
Nellikuppam Sri Malleeswarar Shiva Temple, Nellikuppam, Thiruporur Circle, Kanchipuram District- 603 108.
Sri Malleeswarar Amman: Sri Mangalambika
Nellikuppam is a village located in the Thiruporur circle ,Kanchipuram district in the state of Tamil Nadu. About 12 km on the Guduvancheri-Kottamedu road. In the remote village of Nellikuppam, there is an ancient Shiva temple and a Perumal temple. The Shiva temple is presently located in a small shed facing east Swami Sri Mangalambika is also known as Sameda Sri Malleeswarar. Only the foot of Ambal is found at the back of the temple. In addition, two Shivalingams are found in one Audaiyar. The lingam is palaced in the land. No Daily pujas is held here. Contact Mr. Sampasivam-9360730995, Mr. Thirugnanasekar-9381887280, Mrs. Devi-9962048372.
1000 years old
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