Kannangudi Mahaveerar Jain Temple, Pudukottai

Kannangudi Mahaveerar Jain Temple, Asoor – Sengalur Village Rd, Kannangudi, Pudukottai District, Tamil Nadu 622504
An Idol of Mahaveerar, 24th Tirthankara of Jainism, can be seen in the village of Kannangudi in Kulathur Taluk in Pudukottai District in Tamil Nadu. The image is dated to 11th century CE. It is one of the protected monuments in Tamil Nadu declared by Archaeological Survey of India. The image is found seated on a simhasana in padmasana posture. He is flanked by attendants and found under triple umbrella. The image is decorated with the semi-circular prabhavali and creeper designs. The calmness of the face, the half-closed eyes, broad shoulders and the sturdiness of the torso depicts his dyana posture. All these features are beautifully depicted in this sculpture. However, the lips, right palm and lower part of the chin are partially damaged. Remains of ancient Maduraiveeran temple can be seen nearby. The temple is located at about 6 Kms from Puliyur, 15 Kms from Keeranur Railway Station, 16 Kms from Keeranur, 17 Kms from Kulathur, 22 Kms from Trichy Airport. The temple idol is situated at about 6 Kms from Puliyur off the Keeranur to Killukkottai route.
11th century
Managed By
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI)
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Keeranur Station
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