The meaning of “Sivayanama”!

The sacred name that praises Lord Shiva is called the “Sivaya Nama”. What is the significance and meaning of this Shiva mantra? Brahma, the deity of creation, narrated an astonishing event to Narada, revealing the miracle he experienced when he chanted the Shiva mantra.
Once upon a time, Narada went to Brahma and asked, “Father, it is said that the highest among the names of Lord Shiva is ‘Sivaya Nama.’ Please enlighten me on its meaning.” To this, Brahma replied, “Narada, there is a cart over there. Go and ask your doubts there.” Narada followed Brahma’s instructions and approached the cart to inquire. As soon as he asked his question, the cart suddenly collapsed and perished. Witnessing this, Narada was astonished. He returned to Brahma and said, “Father, I have understood the meaning of ‘Sivaya Nama.’ Those who inquire about this name will perish.” Brahma then replied with a smile, “Narada, you have misunderstood. There is a tree nearby that is still alive. Go there and ask your doubts. It will respond.” Narada followed Brahma’s advice and went to the tree to ask the same question, but it also collapsed suddenly, leaving Narada shocked. He hurried back to Brahma and asked, “What is this test?” Brahma chuckled and said, “Narada, you must continue your efforts. Go and inquire at the place where that child was born.” “Father, if something untoward happens to the child, the parents will surely blame me. I should not,” hesitated Narada. “Fear not,” reassured Brahma, urging Narada to proceed.
Narada went to the place where the child was born and asked his question. The child immediately replied, “Narada, because you asked about this mantra, I was born as a cart, later as a tree, and now as a human. This mantra has given me the opportunity to transcend into a divine being. ‘Siva’ represents Lord Shiva, ‘V’ symbolizes divine grace, ‘Ya’ denotes the soul, ‘Na’ represents the destructive aspect, and ‘Ma’ signifies the creative aspect. My soul, symbolized by ‘Ya,’ cleanses the destructive aspect represented by ‘Na’ and purifies, uniting with Lord Shiva, allowing liberation from the cycle of birth and death. This is the meaning of this mantra. When we say ‘Sivaya Nama,’ we align our hearts with this understanding. In this birth, we transcend.” Upon hearing this, Narada’s doubts were dispelled. He thought, “Is this mantra so powerful? If creatures like insects, birds, and animals can have such stories, what could be the story of a human who chants it?” Brahma then approached and instructed Narada to go and ask further questions, reinforcing his understanding.
Narada was amazed at this revelation and returned to Brahma to learn more. Thus, Brahma guided Narada in understanding the profound significance of the “Sivaya Nama” mantra, revealing its transformative power.