Sarankul Ladoo Baba Temple, Odisha

Sarankul Ladoo Baba Temple, Odisha
Odisha 752080
Lord Shiva
The Ladoo Baba Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, is a significant pilgrimage site located in Sarankul Town in the Sarankul Block of Nayagarh District in Odisha, India.
Puranic Significance
The temple was originally known as the “Kainchhi Temple” in ancient times. It is considered one of the important pilgrimage sites for Shaivites in southern Odisha. The original temple is believed to have been built in the 9th century CE. However, the current temple was constructed in the 19th century CE by the ruler of the Ranapur state.
According to legend, a cowherd who used to graze his cows on Bhandar Mountain noticed that one of his cows would automatically milk over a particular stone every day. This continued for several days until one day, the cow accidentally put its leg on the stone, causing it to ooze blood. A priest from the village had a dream in which Lord Shiva instructed him to establish a temple at that location. The king of the region was informed of the incident, and he built the Ladoo Baba Temple for Lord Shiva at Sarankul.
Special Features
The temple faces east and is situated on a raised platform. It is enclosed within a high compound wall. The temple consists of a rekha vimana (main sanctum), pidha jagamohana (assembly hall), bhogamandapa (offering hall), and natamandapa (festival hall). There are small antaralas (vestibules) between the vimana and jagamohana, as well as between the jagamohana and natamandapa, following pidha style architecture.
- Deity and Linga: The presiding deity of the temple is Ladukeshwar, also known as Ladoo Baba, in the form of a patalaphuta Shiva Linga, which is placed within a circular yonipitha.
- Architectural Decorations: The exterior of the vimana is adorned with stucco figures depicting amorous couples, various deities, and a miniature rekhamundi on the frontal raha (vertical projection), dopichhasimhas, and Bhairava over the beki.
- Jagamohana Decorations: The bada portion of the jagamohana features stucco figures depicting scenes from Krisnalila, paintings of sages performing yoga, and various deities.
- Bhogamandapa and Natamandapa: These sections of the temple are decorated with khakharamundis and pidhamundis in the talajangha (lower part) and uparajangha (upper part), respectively.
- Udyota Simhas: Each raha paga (vertical projection) of the vimana and jagamohana is adorned with Udyota Simhas.
- Other Shrines: Within the temple premises, there are shrines dedicated to Uma Mahesvara, Maha Lakshmi, Nabagunjara, and a floating stone associated with the legendary Ram Setu.
Shivarathri, Dola Purnima and Kartika Purnima are the festivals celebrated here.
9th century CE
Managed By
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI)
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