Bagan Na-gyi-hpaya Temple, Myanmar

Bagan Na-gyi-hpaya Temple, Myanmar
Taung Ywar Naung,
Myanmar (Burma)
Na-gyi-hpaya Temple (12th century) is a small Buddhist temple stands immediately to the east of the much larger Abe-ya-dana-hpaya Temple, and as a consequence is often overlooked. It is well worth a detour for its own sake as it boasts a stunning series of figures rendered in deep relief on its crenellated roof.
The temple measures just 7.2 meters on its side and is symmetrical on its four faces. Its sole room is a cloister-vaulted central chamber measuring 3.78 x 3.75 meters. The roof is structured as a set of diminishing terraces topped by the ruins of what may have been either a bell-shaped dome or a form of spire; it was conjecturally reconstructed by the Archaeological Department from 1963 onward in favor of the former interpretation. Around the base of the lower terrace are the famous crenellations which likely depict rishi(holy men) seated with raised arms holding flowering plants.

12th century
Managed By
UNESCO World Heritage Site
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Nyaung U airport