Monday Mar 31, 2025

Do you know the right time to celebrate Saraswati Pooja? Read this!

Do you know the right time to celebrate Saraswati Pooja? Read this! Saraswati Pooja is typically celebrated during Vasant Panchami, which falls on the fifth day of the Hindu month of Magha (January/February). This festival is dedicated to Goddess Saraswati, the deity of knowledge, music, art, and wisdom. Right Time to Celebrate Saraswati Pooja Conclusion: […]


Navratri 2024: When is the festival and what is it all about? When is Navratri in 2024?

What is Navratri All About? Conclusion: Navratri is a profound celebration of devotion, courage, and the power of good over evil. Whether through fasting, prayers, Garba and Dandiya, or the worship of young girls during Kanya Poojan, each aspect of the festival reflects the spiritual essence of honoring Maa Durga and seeking her blessings. As […]


Mahalaya Amavasya: Date, Timings, Rituals and Significance

Mahalaya Amavasya is a significant day in the Hindu calendar dedicated to honoring ancestors and performing rituals for their peace. It marks the culmination of the Pitru Paksha or the 15-day period devoted to Shradh and Tarpanam (ancestral offerings). This day holds great importance in paying respects to ancestors (Pitru Devatas) and seeking their blessings. […]


When is Mahalaya Amavasya 2024? What is the best time to perform Tarpanam?

In 2024, Mahalaya Amavasya falls on Saturday, October 2. This day marks the culmination of the Pitru Paksha, a 15-day period when Hindus honor their ancestors by performing rituals like Tarpanam (ancestral offerings) to seek their blessings and peace for their souls. Tithi Timings for Mahalaya Amavasya 2024: Best Time to Perform Tarpanam Conclusion  Mahalaya […]


Thiruvachagam Reflection for the Day

Manivasaka Peruman’s Ten Favorite Hymns from Thiruvasagam at Thiru Perundurai 🌸🌺🌹🌼🌻💐🌷🍁🌹🌺🌸 Verse: 8-37-10 The insignificant fleshly body, weak in every hair follicle, can become a grand temple of gold. Within that body, You reside, melting my very bones, and in Your grace, You have made me Your humble devotee. O blemishless Manickam (Precious Gem), You, […]


தினம் ஒரு திருவாசகம் சிந்திக்க🍁☘️

மணிவாசகப் பெருமான் திருப்பெருந்துறையில் அருளிச்செய்த திருவாசகத்தில் பிடித்தப்பத்து திருப்பதிகம் 🌸🌺🌹🌼🌻💐🌷🍁🌹🌺🌸 பாடல் எண்:8-37-10 அற்பமாகிய புலால் உடம்பு, மயிர்க்கால்தொறும் நெகிழ்ச்சியையுடைய அது, பொன்னாலாகிய பெரிய கோயிலாகும் படி, அதனுள் எழுந்தருளியிருந்து, என்னுடைய எலும்புகளை யெல்லாம் உருகும்படி செய்து, எளியவனாகி ஆட்கொண்டருளிய ஆண்டவனே! குற்றமற்ற மாணிக்கமே! துன்பமும் பிறப்பும் இறப்பினோடு மயக்கமும் ஆகிய பற்றுக்களெல்லாம் அறுத்தருளின மேலான சோதியே! ஆனந்தமே! உன்னை உறுதியாகப் பற்றினேன். நீ இனிமேல் எங்கே எழுந்தருளிச் செல்வது. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🍀பொழிப்புரை:-🍀 பாலை, காலமறிந்து கொடுக்கின்ற […]

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