Gopinathpur Simhanath Temple, Odisha

Gopinathpur Simhanath Temple, Odisha
Gopinathpur village, Baramba tehsil,
Singhanath Temple is dedicated to Shiva who is worshipped by Narasimha, an avatar of Vishnu. The temple has a rekha deula and terraced roof jagamohana of traditional phase of temple style of Kalingan order. The temple is unique for its sculptural embellishment of both the Saivaite and Vaishnava sects. It is located in the Gopinathpur village, Baramba tehsil of Cuttack district, Odisha, India. It can be easily approached by road from Cuttack, Chaudwar and Athgarh.
Puranic Significance
The garbhagriha has a Shivalinga with yonipatta attached to earth. The temple is of Panchayatana style practised by Adi Shankara. Temples dedicated to Vishnu, Ganesh, Surya and Mahishamardini are found around the temple. The temple represents early development of Pancharatha Deula of Kalinga Architecture. On the basis of survey, the temple can be assigned to early 9th century AD.

9th century AD.
Managed By
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI)
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