Wednesday Oct 02, 2024


Amaraneedi Nayanar, a Vaisya from Pazhaiyaarai in the Chola Kingdom, was a devout follower of Lord Siva. Despite his worldly engagements as a trader in gold, diamonds, silks, and cotton goods, his heart was always dedicated to Lord Siva. He generously supported Siva devotees, offering them hospitality and gifts.

Driven by his deep devotion, Amaraneedi Nayanar relocated to Tirunallur to be closer to Lord Siva’s temple. There, he built a Mutt to accommodate visiting devotees, whom he would regularly invite for worship and meals.

Impressed by Amaraneedi Nayanar’s devotion and charity, Lord Siva decided to test his sincerity. Disguised as a Brahmachari, Lord Siva visited Amaraneedi Nayanar’s Mutt, requesting alms. During this encounter, a precious Kowpeenam disappeared, leading to a test of faith and devotion.

Amaraneedi Nayanar, realizing the divine nature of the test, offered himself, his family, and his possessions on the scales to match the weight of Lord Siva’s Kowpeenam. Through his unwavering devotion and selfless service, Amaraneedi Nayanar earned the blessings of Lord Siva and attained salvation, along with his family.This divine incident exemplifies the power of devotion and selfless service in earning the grace of the divine.

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