Madagaram Makara Lingeswarar Shiva Temple, Thiruvarur

Madagaram Makara Lingeswarar Shiva Temple, Thiruvarur
Madagaram Valangaiman Circle,
Thiruvarur District,
Tamil Nadu – 614207.
Makara Lingeswarar
Madagaram is a Village in Valangaiman Block in Thiruvarur District of Tamil Nadu State, India. It is located 47 KM towards west from District head quarters Thiruvarur. Here the Presiding deity is called as Makara Lingeswarar. The temple is said to be more than 1000 years old.
Puranic Significance
Madagaya means Male elephants, later the name derived as Madagaram. The Lord’s name must have been Madakara Lingeswarar because the male elephants worshiped the lord. There are two Shiva temples in this town. The First Temple, This temple has been repaired. The name of the Lord and Goddess is not written in this temple. It is a small temple; the Lord faces East and the Goddess faces south.
The second temple is in the eastern part of the town. There is an east-facing Valampuri Ganesha temple under a large tree. Before that, a large lingamurthy is housed in a flat tin shed. His name is Makara Lingeswarar. Mahalakshmi’s grace will be obtained by worshiping the Lord worshiped by elephants.
“With the kind permission of Sri Kadambur K. Vijayan, these are extracted from his posts”.

1000 years old.
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