Sri Kariyampureeswarar Temple, Koogaiyur

Sri Kariyampureeswarar Temple Koogaiyur village, Villupuram district, Tamil Nadu 606301
In front of the Swarnapureeswarar temple, there is a Government school and at the backside of the school, this temple – Sri Kariyampureeswarar Temple – is located just at the outside border of the village. This is a small and beautiful granite temple but devastated by a long grown tree on top. Surrounded by green fields all around, it is located in a beautiful environment. Though it is pathetic to see Lord Shiva sitting calmly in open space within a ruined graba graham, on the other hand it also looks like that he wants to sit in ehantham without the disturbance of any human! There are only indications of an Ambal shrine which has totally disappeared. Atleast the long grown tree has to be cut immediately. The temple is in dilapidated condition.
1000-2000 years old
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