Friday Sep 20, 2024

Dudhai Adinatha Temple, Uttar Pradesh


Dudhai Adinatha Temple, Dudhai, Uttar Pradesh 284403.




The Adinatha Temple in Dudhai, a small village in the Lalitpur district of Uttar Pradesh, is an archaeological site that holds historical and religious significance. Here are some details about the Adinatha Temple:

Adinatha Temple:

  • The Adinatha Temple is dedicated to Lord Adinatha, who is considered the first Tirthankara (spiritual teacher) in Jainism.
  • The temple is a testament to the rich Jain heritage of the region.

Architectural Features:

  • The surviving portions of the Adinatha Temple include the sanctum (garbha-grha) and the mandapa (pillared hall).
  • The mandapa is supported by four pillars, and while the pillars themselves are simple, the architraves above them are adorned with various depictions of stories and symbols.

Lintel Above the Sanctum Doorway:

  • The lintel above the sanctum doorway features an image of Lord Adinatha in padmasana (lotus position).
  • This representation of Adinatha is a prominent feature of the temple’s architecture.

Adinatha Image:

  • Inside the temple’s sanctum, there is a 13-feet-high image of Lord Adinatha in Kayotsarga mudra, a meditation posture. This large image signifies the central deity of the temple.

Additional Jain Deities:

  • The temple also features depictions of other Jain Tirthankaras, including Parshvanatha. These images are shown in various mudras (postures), such as kayotsarga mudra and dhyana mudra.

16 Dream Symbols:

  • The temple’s architraves above the pillars display depictions of the sixteen dream symbols associated with the birth of a Tirthankara. These symbols signify the divine nature and significance of Lord Adinatha.

The Adinatha Temple, with its rich symbolism and architectural elements, serves as a cultural and religious relic that preserves the Jain tradition in the Dudhai village. The temple’s survival and historical importance are highlighted by its protection by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI).


11th century

Managed By

Archeological survey of India.

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