Bandivade Neminath Jain Temple- Goa

Bandivade Neminath Jain Temple- Bandoda, Ponda Goa
Neminath Jain Basti is situated at Bandivade (also Bandode) near Ponda in North Goa District. The temple is dedicated to Lord Neminath, the 22nd Tirthankara. A stone inscription from Nagueshi exhibited in the Museum of Archaeological Survey of India. Refers to the reconstruction of this Jain Basti during Vijayanagar period in 14th century. Further, the Kannada inscription of Bandivade mentions that king Sripala established Bandivade in Ponda and constructed the Neminath Jain Basti. The inscription records the gift of Vaghurme made in 1425 A.D. and 1433 A.D. to Jain basti of Bandivade. The square shaped temple is built of laterite blocks with grilled windows. An arch provided at the entrance indicates the existence of a dome over the structure. Lime mortar is found to have been used extensively in its construction. But the entire temple is ruins state.
14th century
Managed By
Department of Archaeology
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