Friday Aug 16, 2024

Vaikom Shri Mahadeva Temple- Kerala


Vaikom Shri Mahadeva Temple- Vazhamana Rd, Vaikom, Kerala 686141


Sri Mahadev (Shiva)


The Vaikom Mahadeva Temple is dedicated to lord Shiva. Located at Vaikom Taluk in Kottayam district of Kerala, the Shiva Lingam installed in this temple is supposed to be dating back to ‘Treta Yuga’. Earlier known as Vyaghrapadapuram, the name of place has been converted into Vaikom., Kerala. The temple, along with Ettumanoor Siva Temple, Kaduthuruthy Thaliyil Mahadeva Temple is considered a powerful trisome. The belief is that if a devotee worships at these three temples before ‘Ucha pooja’, all the wishes are fulfilled. The Vaikom Mahadeva temple is one of the few temples which is held in reverence by both Shaivaites and the Vaishnavaites. Vaikom’s Shiva is fondly called Vaikkathappan. The Shiva Linga here is believed to be from the ‘Treta yuga’ and considered one of the oldest temples in Kerala where pooja has not been broken since inception. The temple is one of the major Shiva temples. More than 1000 Years old Shiva Temple in Kerala.

Puranic Significance

On a Vritchika – Krishna paksha – Ashtami day (According to Malayalam Era), the Lord of Lords and God of Gods – Siva the Paremeswara appeared to the Maharshi with his consort Parvati – the Jagat Janani. The Lord proclaimed, “This place shall be known as Vyaghrapadapurma”, and disappeared. The world-famous Vaikkathashtami and all connected holy festivals are observed here even to this day on the same Vrichika – Krishna*- Ashtami. Vyaghrapada Maharshi continued the Pooja in most esteem and devotion for some time and went on pilgrimage. Months and years passed. Sri Parasurama – the Chiramjeevi was going by the sky one day. Seeing good omens alighted here and saw a Holy Siva Linga emerged in water emitting heavenly rays. He could understand that it was the Siva Linga placed by Khara. Sri Parasurama thought himself that; the holiest and noblest Siva Chaitanya could be a great refuge for the devoted who wish to attain Moksha. He consecrated the auspicious Linga here with His earnest Prayers and recitation of Siva Mantras. The most benign Lord Siva at once appeared with his consort Parvati Devi before Parasurama. He was so pleased that the Linga was consecrated with the Mantras by Parasurama – an avatar of Vishnu, his greatest devotee. Full of joy and gratitude Parasurama performed Siva Linga pooja there for some days. Then he himself built a temple here and entrusted a noble Brahmin of Taruna village that he taught Pooja Mantras. The Brahmin had learned all the 28 Sivagama and wore rudraksha and bhasma. Parasurama donated the whole temple with Linga to Brahmins and disappeared. It is the belief that the temple and all rites and customs are planned and fixed by Parasurama himself. It is believed that the ‘Vyaghralayesha’ Siva gives His Blessings to the Devotees in three Bhavas or forms in the morning, noon, and evening in this Holy Temple. As Dhakshinamoorthy in the morning time, Kirathamoorthi in the noon time & Shakti Panchakshari in the evening.

Special Features

On a Vritchika – Krishna paksha – Ashtami day (According to Malayalam Era), the Lord of Lords and God of Gods – Siva the Paremeswara appeared to the Maharshi with his consort Parvati – the Jagat Janani. The Lord proclaimed, “This place shall be known as Vyaghrapadapurma”, and disappeared. The world-famous Vaikkathashtami and all connected holy festivals are observed here even to this day on the same Vrichika – Krishna*- Ashtami. Vyaghrapada Maharshi continued the Pooja in most esteem and devotion for some time and went on pilgrimage. Months and years passed. Sri Parasurama – the Chiramjeevi was going by the sky one day. Seeing good omens alighted here and saw a Holy Siva Linga emerged in water emitting heavenly rays. He could understand that it was the Siva Linga placed by Khara. Sri Parasurama thought himself that; the holiest and noblest Siva Chaitanya could be a great refuge for the devoted who wish to attain Moksha. He consecrated the auspicious Linga here with His earnest Prayers and recitation of Siva Mantras. The most benign Lord Siva at once appeared with his consort Parvati Devi before Parasurama. He was so pleased that the Linga was consecrated with the Mantras by Parasurama – an avatar of Vishnu, his greatest devotee. Full of joy and gratitude Parasurama performed Siva Linga pooja there for some days. Then he himself built a temple here and entrusted a noble Brahmin of Taruna village that he taught Pooja Mantras. The Brahmin had learned all the 28 Sivagama and wore rudraksha and bhasma. Parasurama donated the whole temple with Linga to Brahmins and disappeared. It is the belief that the temple and all rites and customs are planned and fixed by Parasurama himself. It is believed that the ‘Vyaghralayesha’ Siva gives His Blessings to the Devotees in three Bhavas or forms in the morning, noon, and evening in this Holy Temple. As Dhakshinamoorthy in the morning time, Kirathamoorthi in the noon time & Shakti Panchakshari in the evening.


The Vaikom temple is famous for the Vaikom Ashtami (Vaikathashtami), one of its main festivals, which is held in November–December. The exact date of the festival is determined by the Malayalam calendar. On 2018 the festival will be celebrated on November 30. Vaikathashtami is celebrated on the day of Krishna Ashtami in the Malayalam month of Vrischikam. The legend behind this festival is that years ago a saint man named Vyaghrapada prayed to God siva for years after many years God siva and his wife Parvathy Devi appeared in front of him. It is believed that god Siva appeared in front of him in the day of Krishna Ashtami in the early morning. So as a memory of this Vaikathashtami is celebrated. It is the festival extending for 12 days. 12th day is Vaikathashtami.


1000- Years old

Managed By

Travancore Devaswom Board.

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