Monday Sep 16, 2024

Mangadu Sri Kamakshi Amman Temple- Kanchipuram


Mangadu Sri Kamakshi Amman Temple- Kundrathur – Sriperumbudur Rd, Mangadu, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu 600122 Phone: 044 2679 0053


Amman: Sri Kamakshi


The Kamakshi Amman Temple of Mangadu is a temple in Mangadu, a suburb of Kanchipuram, India. The term Mangadu means “Mango Forests or Mango Grooves” and as the term implies this must have been a thickly wooded Mango groove in times of yore. The temple is maintained and administered by the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department of the Government of Tamil Nadu. Mangadu is known for the temple of “Tapas Kamakshi” or the Kamakshi (The Goddess) performing penance. This is the place where the goddess performed her penance to marry and re-unite with Lord Shiva. All 32 types of Dharmic rituals were performed here by the goddess.

Puranic Significance

In a playful mood, Mother Parvathi once covered the eyes of Lord Shiva that resulted in the total standstill of the activities of the world. Lord cursed her to be born on earth. She was advised to perform penance in this place – Mangadu and promised Darshan and marry her at an appropriate time. Mother undertook penance following rigid rules standing amidst fire. She heard a blessing voice to proceed to Kancheepuram to continue the penance. As Mother’s penance started at Mangadu, this is revered as Adhi Kamakshi Sthala. While presiding deity adores the sanctum sanctorum in our temples, Artha Meru Sri Chakra occupies the presiding status in this temple. The procession deity is behind this Chakra. All abishek and alankaras are offered to the procession deity Ambica. Mother Kamakshi left for Kancheepuram without dousing the Panchagni fire. This made Mangadu and the surrounding places too hot and dry. Acharya Sankara made the Sri Arthameru Sri Chakra with eight herbals and installed it here restoring the fertility of the place again, according to history. The region was a forest of Mango trees once, hence named Mangadu. Maa in Tamil means Mango. A little away from Mangadu is the temple of Lord Velleeswarar. Velli is the name of planet Venus-Shukra. As in the Kanjanur Shukrapureeswarar temple, this temple is of Shukra importance. Mother Kamakshi is the important deity in Mangadu and Kancheepuram. Similarly, Velleeswarar is the main deity in this temple. Only the feet of Mother are installed here. Lord Ganapathi is holding paddy stalks and mango in His hands. These are offered as nivedhana to Lord Vinayaka in the faith that farm yields would be in plenty. Another Vinayaka in the Goshta appears with an umbrella and a mango.


Six week worship is in practice in the temple. Devotees choose any day in a week to begin the worship with lime fruit and continue the same for six weeks on the same day of the week to realize their wish. Unmarried girls pray to Mother with a yellow thread in the belief that they too will get a suitable match as Mother performed penance here and got wedded to Lord in Kancheepuram. This prayer applies to men also. Those seeking child boon pray to Mother with a cradle so that they would have to arrange a cradle in their houses too for the child blessed by Mother Kamakshi. Many are experiencing the fruits of the six week worship. People also pray for promotions in job and for relief from diseases. Devotees perform milk abishek to Artha Meru Chakra and offer vastras. They also follow the traditional abishek and archanas, arrange feeding etc.

Special Features

The Artha Meru Chakra in the temple was installed by Acharya Sankara having 43 Trikonas-triangles. This is made of eight herbals called Astagandham. Hence no abishek is offered the Chakra. The pujas for the chakra is performed with sandal and other cosmetic powders and archana with kumkum. On the Vijayadasami day, last day of Navarathri, this Chakra is covered with gold, while on other days; it is with a silver cover. Sri Chakra occupies great importance in the temple. This Artha Meru Sri Chakra is revered as Raja (Royal status) Yantra. The base is of Koorma (tortoise) design. There are three steps above the base. It is further built with 16 Lotus petals and 8 petals of Lotus still above. The Sri Chakra is drawn on this peeta-seat. No Sri Chakra is as big as the one in Mangadu. It is dressed with a 9 yard sari. The penance undertaken by Mother Kamakshi is of a highest order which none could imagine. She made five Agni Kundas – fire pits. She stood near the central pit keeping her left toe touching the fire, placed the right leg on the left thigh. She kept her left hand near Her naval part, held the right hand with a japa mala above Her head. Her beautiful eyes were closed to have the hands of Lord. She undertook this peanace in this holy Mangadu. This scene is beautifully sculptured in the temple. Devotees have four Ambikas for darshan in the temple. 1) As Sri Chakra, 2) Adhi Kamakshi made of Panchaloka metals, 3) Kamakshi doing penance amidst the five Agni Kundas and 4) the small Lamp burning near Adi Kamakshi revered as Ambika Herself. The darshan of all Ambicas can be had simultaneously from the mandap. Ambika in the sanctum sanctorum is holding a parrot in the right hand and the crescent moon on the head. It is noteworthy that the tradition of felicitating a person for his/her winning an exam with distinction or any tough competition with the success of standing on a single leg began from the penance posture of Mother Kamakshi. The condition of penance was not made easy or relaxed even for the consort of Lord. Mangadu has an added importance. When Emperor Mahabali offered three feet of land to Lord Vamana the dwarf, knowing the design of the Lord, planet Venus-Shukra intervened to stop Mahabali from the offering. He blocked the Jal Patra the water bowl. Lord Vamana used a darba grass to remove the block and thus made Venus blind in one eye. To get back his eyes, Shukra-Venus also performed penance on Lord Shiva in this place when Kamakshi also was on a penance. Lord Shiva appeared before Shukra the devotee first and granted his eye back. Priority was to a devotee. When Lord Shiva came to this place to acknowledge the penance of Mother, Lord Vishnu too came here with gifts to His sister the bride. When Lord Shiva and Mother Kamakshi left for Kancheepuram, Lord Vishnu too was to accompany them. But Maharshi Markandeya begged Perumal to stay in the place. Obliging the Rishi, Perumal stayed here as Vaikunta Perumal with His discus and a ring in a finger showing his coming with gifts for His Sister. He is praised as Seer Perumal – Gift Perumal. A Homa-Nava Kalasa Homa with nine brass pots-Kalasas is conducted in the temple on full moon days. Nine forms of Shakti are personified in these Kalasas. Pushpanjali is offered to Sri Chakra. Niraimani Darshan is another event celebrated in the temple on the Purattasi full moon day in September-October. Artha Mandap, Thapas Mandap and the front Mandap are decorated with sweets, fruits, vegetables and grains showing all prosperity. Devotees believe that this Niraimani Darshan would bring all prosperity to the family. Three Mothers in the temple bless and please the devotees in their daily procession in a golden car in evenings daily. Brahmmi, one of the Saptha Mathas is the driver (Sarathi) of the car. Nava Kannikas the nine virgins are around the carrath. There is also a Kuthuvilakku perennially burning in the Mahamandap. Left of this is the shrine of Mother Thapas Kamakshi.


The temple celebrates many festivals as 10 day Chithirai festival in April-May with a sea of devotees seeking the grace of Mother Kamakshi. Other festivals include Tamil and English New Year days, Pongal falling almost on January 14, Navarathri in September-October, Masi Magam and Shivrathri in February-March. Devotee crowd is ever huge on every festival day


1000- Years old

Managed By

Hindu Religious Endowment Board. (HRCE)

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