Jatar Deul Shiva Mandir, West Bengal

Jatar Deul Shiva Mandir, Kankandighi, West Bengal 743383
Jatar Deul’ a remarkably lofty tower standing near the estuary of the Moni river in Lot no 116, east of Kankandighi, West Bengal. Jatar Deul does not follow the traditional structure of Bengal temples. The architectural style is more like that of Oriya style of towering spires. The temple was abandoned for a long time. But the locals believe that the temple is the abode of ‘Jatadhari’ Shiva, hence the name “Jatar Deul”. Brought under the protection of the Archaeology Department
Puranic Significance
The mysterious Jatar Deul or Shiva temple that dates back to the 11th century. The structure was surrounded with dense forest and was itself covered with thick vegetation. Built during the Pal-Sena era, it’s around 60 to 70 feet tall and made of terracotta bricks. The exact height of the temple can’t be ascertained as the original spire was destroyed during a treasure hunt. It has been declared a protected site by the institution. Jatar Deul follows the Oriya temple design of that age with a spire on the curved top. However, it is built in the north Indian nagara style, which enhances its value considerably. Surrounded by towering trees in the middle of a field, it’s an imposing structure that’s visible from a distance. A stucco covering was built to was used to fight salinity, damp and the rising waters of the nearby River Moni in the monsoons.
11th century CE
Managed By
Archeological survey of India.
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Deul, Durgapur
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